Advertising prices
Asociación Finlandesa Suomela has appr. 1 700 members.
The magazine, Suomelan Sanomat, is published in paper form as well as in digital form every month from October to March.
The number of copies varies from month to month, appr. 1 500-2 000 copies.
More than 50 distribution points.
1/1 - 140mm x 210mm 230 €/month or 1150 €/period (October-March)
1/1 backpage - 140mm x 210mm 300 €/month or 1500 €/period (October-March)
1/2 - 140mm x 105mm 120 €/month or 600 €/period (October-March)
1/2 backpage - 140mm x 105mm 150 €/month or 850 €/period (October-March)
1/3 - 140mm x 70mm 70 €/month or 350 €/period (October-March)
1/6 - 70mm x 70mm 50 €/month or 250 €/period (October-March)
Fixed position increase +20%
Advertising each month, rest of the period discount -15%
Client's advertisment processing/producing 30-60€